(905) 892-2635 Fax: (905) 892-2637 Attendance: (905) 892-9088
What is Cooperative Education?

Cooperative Education is a joint effort between the school and the community to provide students with an opportunity to combine in-school studies with on-the-job experiences. Cooperative Education is a shared responsibility between the school and the community to integrate classroom instruction with practical experience in the workplace.

What are the benefits of taking Cooperative Education?

  • Earn credits toward your diploma
  • Gain valuable work experience
  • Expand the skills taught at school
  • Become more aware of the demands and responsibilities of employment
  • Gain experience to help you make wise career choices
  • Receive continuous on-the-job training

How does the program work?

Cooperative Education is a planned learning experience, for which credits are earned, that        integrates classroom theory and learning experiences at a workplace to enable students to apply and refine the knowledge and skills acquired in a related course. Students are generally out in a workplace for a half day (morning or afternoon) for a whole semester. The rest of the day the student will have a regular in-school timetable. Students may also take a full day coop. The tasks that are performed at the work site relate to a course that is either being taken presently or in a   previous semester. Students will participate in a two week pre-placement orientation in school where they will discuss resume writing, interview skills, health and safety before they are able to go to a work site. Students will meet on a monthly basis with the coop teacher in a group session to reflect on what they are learning at the work site.

What are the entrance requirements?

  • Must be a minimum 14 years of age, 16 years of age for a military coop
  • Students must make transportation arrangements to and from the work station
  • Must receive the recommendation and approval of the school administration and the Cooperative Education Committee
  • Must complete an application form prior to being considered for the program
  • Must be enrolled in a course or completed a course related to the job placement
  • Must display a positive attitude towards the school and the potential program

What do our students say?

  • I am appreciated and accepted.
  • I have learned a lot  about myself.
  • It was challenging.
  • It was a friendly atmosphere.
  • I would like to take another coop.
  • The interaction is a lot of fun.
  • I am treated like an adult.
  • I feel I have a clearer picture of myself.
  • I have a variety of tasks.
  • I would make coop compulsory.
  • It opens the doors to apprenticeship.

Want to find out more?

Drop by the Cooperative Education Office

Drop by the Guidance Office


For a list of courses offered, visit us on Career Cruising.