Our school offers Technology courses in the interest areas of:
Students may enter Technology in Grade 9 through TIJ 101, Exploring Technology. This introduction to technology is a hands-on, design and build program with topics relating to all the technologies offered at Crossley in the grades 10-12 curriculum. All the individual courses are open at the Grade 10 level for an introduction to the area.
Crossley has always been well represented in the DSBN Technology Skills Challenges, illustrating proficiency and expertise that has carried our students to the Ontario Skills Technology Challenges year after year. Many of our students go on to post secondary and apprenticeship programs that lead to successful career opportunities.
Energy SHSM: Crossley is one of only 2 schools in the DSBN to offer an Energy SHSM program where students in Grade 11 & 12 can specialize in the energy field to better prepare them for the world of work or a program at College/University. For more information visit:

For a list of courses offered, visit us on Career Cruising.