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Daily Announcements

Thursday Sept 15, 2022

by User Not Found | Sep 15, 2022


Attention Graduates if you purchased a hoodie please come to the main office to pick it up

Next week student council is very excited to have our first spirit week! This will be a week full of fun themes for you to dress in and it will include various class room competitions for the whole school to participate in. It will be the start to our year long Colour Wars competition - where you earn points for your grade by dressing in our themes and winning the classroom competitions! Teachers, more information will come your way shortly. For Monday, students are asked to please wear purple, to pay respects to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II during Canada's National Day of Mourning.


Reminder Student Council meeting today after school.

Are you part of the lgbtq plus community or looking to support those who are? The Queers and Allies Club, also known as the Q and A club, meets every Thursday in room 306. Anyone is welcome to join. We’d love for you to stop by and check out the fun!

Are you interested in computer programming?  Join Crossley Codes!  Sign up with Mrs. Stefanidis in room 211.


Attention all students trying out for the Jr. Boys Volleyball team, you have a tryout after school. Please see Mr. Petro or Mr. Shannon if you have any questions.