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Daily Announcements

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022

by User Not Found | Oct 25, 2022


School Nurse is in today in student services.

Starting today and going until October 31st, Student Council will be collecting non-perishable food items for our Halloween for Hunger food drive. Please bring any items you wish to donate to Pelham Cares to the front foyer where student council members will be collecting. Colour wars points will be awarded for any items brought in. 

For any students attending the Hamlet Trip tomorrow, we will be gathering at the back of the school in the Phys Ed hallway. That’s where the bus will pick us up. Also, try to dress nicely, Stratford is a little swanky, bring money to buy lunch or a bagged lunch.  There will also be a meeting at lunch today in room 305 for anyone that would like a quick lesson on the play.

Starting this Thursday Crossley will be participating in our second spirit week! Activities will range from pumpkin painting at lunch on Thursday, wearing black and orange on friday, a costume parade on halloween monday and a relaxing pajama day on tuesday nov 1st. And guess what Crossley? All activities and all dress up themes count for color war points!! May the best grade win the most points from showing your school spirit!

A reminder to anyone who wants to purchase a semi ticket - tomorrow is your last day to do so! Also, anyone who has a food allergy or who needs to arrive to semi after 6pm - please see Mrs. Varga in room 113 or send her an email to give her details.


The Oddity Film Society will not be viewing a movie tonight, but will watch something spooky on Thursday. Stay tuned. 

Attention all yearbook members! We have a very quick meeting in Ms Whites food room (203) at lunch today! See you there! 


Reminder to all girls wishing to try out for the girl’s hockey team that we have a tryout tomorrow Wed Oct 26th at 2:45 and then the following Tue and Wed. Please see Ms. Yallup if you cannot make a tryout.

A reminder to those playing Intramural Hockey that the seniors play today at 2:45pm and the Juniors play Thursday at 2:45pm.  We will then be holding the league draft this Friday at lunch.  Please see Mr. Lew or Mr. Blanchard if you have any questions.

Reminder to the Girls basketball players of their practice today after school.