Student Expectations
The environment at E. L. Crossley should be a place where all students can learn with a sense of security and freedom from harm. Teachers and students try always to respect the rights, property and opinions of others. The development of responsibility within this framework is essential to student growth and environment conducive to learning.
Students are expected to:
- Exercise self-discipline, be courteous to fellow students and obedient and courteous to all teachers, office staff and support staff.
- Follow Board and School rules.
- Be responsible for their conduct while on the school premises or while travelling on school buses or on a school field trip.
- Have all equipment needed for each class on arrival. Be prepared and have homework completed.
- Remain in class unless dismissed by the teacher.
- Report to the office if sent from class by a teacher.
Consequences of Behaviour Code Violations
Normally, students will proceed through a range of consequences. The primary aim will be to eliminate the misbehavior and to promote student self-discipline. Any consequence will remain in effect for a fixed period of time. A range of consequences will not be followed in cases of serious misbehaviours. Serious misbehaviours (e.g. drug abuse, fighting) will result in immediate suspension.
Non Scheduled Classes (Spares)
Students who have earned more than 23 credits and are in their graduating year may have a maximum of one spare per semester.
Senior students who have a study period are expected to make constructive use of their time. Students are expected to be in the school library, and to refrain from any activities that might be disruptive to the regular school program. Loitering or wandering the halls, front foyer or smoking area is not permit ted. If you do not plan to use the library or cafeteria, please leave the school building.
Smoking Policy
E. L. Crossley discourages students from smoking. If a student must smoke they are only permitted to smoke at the end of the entrance driveway in the designated smoking area. The smoking area is only to be used before school and at lunch. Students who smoke on school property will be referred to the Tobacco Control Officer in addition to disciplinary measures taken by the school.
The Tobacco Control Act
Smoking or even holding a lit cigarette anywhere on school property is against the law. For persons 16 years of age and over, there is a minimum fine of $305.00. Persons under the age of 16 must attend court with a parent or guardian. Selling, supplying, or sharing cigarettes with anyone under 19 can result in a minimum fine of $365.00.
This Law Applies to…
…EVERYONE Staff, students, parents, visitors
…ANYTIME 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
…ANYWHERE Including school, parking lot, cars in
parking lot, sports fields, driveway,
Share this information with your parents or guardians. This school follows a 1-step policy. The first offence, witnessed by anyone, including school staff or Tobacco Enforcement Officers will result in a fine or summons to court.
1-888-505-6074, ext. 7393
Computer Use Agreement
DSBN Acceptable Use Agreement for Students Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Student use of any network services provided by E. L. Crossley Secondary School and the District School Board of Niagara constitutes the student agreement to abide by all directions contained in the DSBN “Acceptable Use Agreement” document and other guidelines concerning electronic messages as established by the school staff.
The use of networks is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of those privileges. Students are expected to abide by the accepted rules of network etiquette, which are outlined in the DSBN “Acceptable Use Agreement”.
These rules apply to all computers in the school as well as computers
used outside of the school when:
- the name, photograph, video image and/or accomplishments of any student, teacher, or support staff members are being used.
- students are prohibited from using the name of E. L. Crossley Secondary School or any person associated with E. L. Crossley (students, teachers, support staff) on any network (Internet) without the written consent of these individuals and of the school. Students using the network inappropriately will immediately remove offensive material and provide full disclosure about offensive materials on any other network sites.
Failure to observe and follow policy will result in consequences ranging from:
- review of the guidelines with the student;

- consultation with parents;
- community service performed in the school;
- termination of school network privileges;
- expulsion from school.
Dress Code
At E. L. Crossley Secondary School it is the belief that student and staff dress should be appropriate to an academic setting, create a separation between the street and the school, and contribute to an overall positive image of our school.
In order to create a consistent approach to school dress between the elementary and secondary schools and to enhance an educational environment and tone conducive to the achievement of excellence, the following rules concerning student dress have been adopted and will be applied to both male and female attire.
- Hats are to be removed as students enter the building. No head gear is to be worn in the building except for religious customs.
- All clothing must be in a reasonable state of repair.
- Inappropriate dress includes beachwear (short shorts, tank tops, halter tops), cut-offs, frayed or ripped clothing, clothing with inappropriate symbols or text (ie. messages about sex, drugs, alcohol), clothing that is distracting to others or abusive in nature.
- No apparel shorter than mid-thigh, no midriffs exposed.
- No dangerous accessories allowed .
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
Electronic Equipment

Electronic messaging devices (including cell phones/pagers) are a distraction and can compromise the integrity of assessments. Cell phones are to be turned off during class time. Students who send or receive phone calls or text messages during class may have their cell phones confiscated. Parents are asked not to contact their children by phone during the schoolday. Messages for students may be left in the main office and the student will be called from class at the end of the period.
Canine Searches
In common with the other schools in Niagara, and as part of our Safe Schools Policy, searches may be carried out by school authorities with the assistance of private companies offering drug dog services, or by the Niagara Regional Police, including the Canine Unit, at the direction of school authorities when there are reasonable grounds to suspect a breach of a school rule.
The principal has the authority under the Ontario Education Act to conduct searches which are reasonably related to the maintenance of order and discipline in the school. The principal may retain the services of a private company or invite the Niagara Regional Police, including the Canine Unit, to accompany and assist in conducting a search that may reveal evidence of the breach of a school rule. The search may be conducted by the Principal, Vice Principal, or designated teaching staff. Charges may be laid by the Niagara Regional Police as a result of these searches and students may be disciplined in accordance with the Education Act. Any drugs or drug paraphernalia that are found as a result of these searches are turned over to the Niagara Regional Police for further investigation and/or disposal. We appreciate the support of our parents/guardians and School Council in our efforts to maintain a safe school environment.
Lockers & Valuables
Each student will be assigned a locker. A Dudley combination lock must be used. All lock combinations must be registered in the main office and all lockers remain the property of the District School Board of Niagara. School administration is authorized to search lockers if it has any reason to suspect that it contains stolen or illicit items.
DO NOT BRING VALUABLE ITEMS TO SCHOOL. Students should leave valuable items at home at all times. Students cannot be reimbursed for goods taken from change rooms, classrooms or lockers.
The District School Board of Niagara insurance policy does NOT cover the cost of items damaged, lost or stolen at school. If there is some extenuating reason why a student must bring an item of value to school, he/she should take it to the main office for safekeeping.
Though attempts are made to keep change room doors locked during class time, CHANGE ROOMS ARE NOT SECURE AREAS. The school is NOT responsible for items lost or stolen from change rooms.
E. L. Crossley Secondary School and the District School Board of Niagara cannot assume responsibility for personal belongings of staff or students at any time.
Personal Property
Students need to bring to school a reasonable amount of personal property for their comfort and learning. There are some personal items that should not be brought to school including large amounts of money and expensive electronic devices.
The school cannot provide security for such items and is not liable for lost or stolen items. Students need to ensure that their belongings are stored securely at all times. Should there be a situation where a student must bring valuables to school they should have them stored in the main office.