Following the Ontario Curriculum and Growing Success Guidelines, the goals of the Health and Physical Education at E.L. Crossley Secondary School are:
1. To provide an opportunity for physical activity which is essential in developing a fit body and mind.
2. To develop a positive self-image through activity and commitment.
3. To provide knowledge of major health and social issues.
4. To provide knowledge concerning techniques and strategies of various activities.
5. To promote an on-going lifestyle of health and fitness.
Physical Education is offered as an open course in Grade 9, fulfilling the compulsory physical and health education requirement of the Ministry of Education. Courses in Grades 10, 11, 12 allow students to continue in the pursuit of physical activity through courses specializing in individual and team sports, personal fitness, recreation and leisure, social health issues, and exercise science. Students interested in Social Sciences, Medical Sciences, Recreation and Sports Management, the Business of Sport, Fitness and Health Maintenance, Physical Education, Fitness Education, and Kinesiology will find courses available to develop their skills and leadership abilities.
Uniform Policy: Proper physical education attire is mandatory for grades nine and ten. All students are expected to be prepared to participate in each class. School uniforms may be purchased through the department (2014 - 2015 prices: shirt - $15, shorts - $20, or 2 shirts/1shorts $40 - suggested combo) at the beginning of each semester. The uniform is consistent across all junior courses.
Attendance Policy: Since our goals reflect participation, daily attendance is necessary for success. Students with specific physiological needs will be able to meet the course expectations through the establishment of a suitable program within the course guidelines. Special circumstances and long term illness will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Class Activities Include:
Badminton, Softball, Basketball, Cosom Hockey, Dance, European Handball, Flag Football, Aerobics, Taebo, Low-organization games, Kamakazee, Self-Defense, Racquet Ball, Ringette, Soccer, Track and Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Baseball and SlowPitch.
Healthy Lifestyle Topics Include:
Fitness and Exercise, Fitness Evaluation, Human Growth and Development, Leadership and Development, Nutrition and Fitness, Sexuality, Substance Abuse Education, Heart Health, Personal Safety / Injury Prevention and Mental Health.
Our facilities include a large gymnasium with stage that includes a divider wall. The gym can fit 2 full size volleyball courts or 4 full size badminton courts. There is a secondary gym that includes a full basketball and volleyball court and fits 3 badminton courts. E.L. Crossley is proud to highlight the newly renovated Fitness areas including dedicated locations for Weightlifting, Cardio/Dance/Spinning and Rowing ergs.
Our Physical Education staff, along with other staff in the building and volunteers from the community, offer a wide range of competitive and recreational athletic clubs and teams. These include: Athletic Council, Badminton, Basketball, Cross Country Running, Curling, Cycling, Fit Club, Weightlifting, Golf, Boys and Girls Hockey, Rowing, Ski Club, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Baseball and Slowpitch.
Health and Wellness SHSM:
ELCSS is one of only 3 schools in the DSBN to offer a Health and Wellness SHSM program where students in Grade 11 & 12 can specialize in this field to better prepare them for the world of work or a program at College/University. For more information visit:

For a list of courses offered, visit us on Career Cruising.