User Not Found | Dec 02, 2021
The Board Game Club will reopen today. The renovations did not go according to plan, but we’re in the clear to open doors. So stop by the board game room in the back of the library during lunch to get your game on.
ATTENTION ALL YEARBOOK MEMBERS! We have a meeting today at LUNCH in room 209! We have a consultant from Josten’s coming to join us so please come to room 209 at the beginning of lunch! Again... There is a yearbook meeting today at lunch in room 209!
Attention to the Junior Boys volleyball team, please return your uniform to room 306 as soon as possible.
Junior girls volleyball will have a practice today after school beginning at 2:30 in the small gym.
Novice rowers are doing a great job and are reminded about practice today at 2.20pm. Dress for indoor and outdoor training and bring your smiles for the miles. Experienced rowers are doing a great job and are reminded to head to the erg room and start their erg workout ASAP.
Go blue and gold!