User Not Found | Oct 10, 2023
If you are interested in going away to Costa Rice during March Break there is a parents meeting Wednesday at 7pm in the lecture hall. Scan the QR code to register if you can’t attend.
Today will be your last chance to buy a ticket for the Sr. Girls Basketball game against St. Francis on Wednesday. You will be released after attendance for period 4. Bring your $3 to the foyer to get your ticket.
Mr. Middleton would like to meet with all members of DECA and Business SHSM for a short meeting at the beginning of lunch today in Room 209.
Crossley for Christ will be meeting this Friday (not Thursday). All are welcome. Bring a friend, make a friend. Meet in room 402 during lunch.
The Oddity Film Society will be recording the first podcast of the year after school today in room 305. Stop by to chat about last week’s movie, The Menu.
Chess Club: Did you know that Chess is a mandatory school subject in Armenia?! Well - Chess may not be mandatory at E.L Crossley, yet - but the Chess Club will be meeting at lunch today in the Library! Bring your lunch, a friend and your A-Game!
Key Club is rebranded! We will now be known as Interac Club, but will still be meeting in Room 303 on Thursday at lunch. Interac Club is the largest leadership service organization for highschool students. We emphasize community service and give students opportunities to gain volunteer hours by participating with local charities. Our goal is to strengthen school- community relationships and give back to the area. All are welcome!
ATTENTION ATHLETIC COUNCIL: There will be an important meeting today at lunch in front of the trophy case. We must prepare for the basketball buy-in tomorrow and other important business. Please see Mr. Blanchard if you are unable to attend.
Badminton Club - All Crossley Badminton enthusiasts are invited to come out Wednesday evenings from 6-8 pm preferably with a friend to play Badminton. The courts are set up in both gyms and play is supervised by Mr. Edwards. There is no cost but you must wear proper clothing and shoes to play. Racquets, protective eye-wear and birdies are supplied but you are welcome to bring your own. We will have a smashing good time every Wednesday evening until early May.
Congratulations to the junior boys volleyball team on their win against St Jean de Brefeuf. Please excuse the boys today at 1:35 for their game against GFESS.
Attention Jr Girls basketball players! They are reminded of their game today at Eden. We will also be having a brief lunch time meeting in room 407.
Reminder to Cross Country runners that your first meet is this Thursday. Check the board and speak to a coach about transportation. Also, it is your responsibility to pick up your singlet either today or tomorrow if you haven’t already.
A reminder to all Intramural hockey players to get your forms in to either Mr. Lew in Room 312 or Mr. Blanchard in the gym. Handing your forms in will secure your spot. The league starts next week with Juniors on Monday and Seniors on Thursday.
Please excuse the Sr. Girls Basketball team at 1:45 to get ready for our game against AN Myer. Please meet outside of room 103 after you have changed. If you cannot make the game please see Mr. Petro or Mr. Belding.
Crochet club will be meeting today at lunch in room 107! Come make something with us!
Jazz Band Rehearsal will be happening tomorrow (Wednesday) in the music room beginning at 2:15pm. If you play Trumpet, Saxophone or Trombone please join us!