A reminder to come to the main office to pick up your parking permit.
Pizza slices for sale at $2 a slice today. We will be selling in the main foyer and the cafe.
Today during Period 4 our Grade 9 Geography Recycling Team will be coming to your classrooms to pick up your recycling bins. Please ensure that your ‘blue’ and ‘grey’ bins have been properly sorted, and that your bins are placed outside your classroom or office doors at the start of Period 4 today. Thank you!
Attentional yearbook members! We are having a productivity party after school on TUESDAY February 6th! Please come…..bring friends and get some community service hours!
A reminder to the Intramural Hockey League that the season continues next week with the Blue team facing the Yellow team on Monday and the Green team facing the Orange team on Thursday.
The Varsity Boys Hockey team is reminded of their away game next Wednesday in Niagara Falls against Westlane. Mr. Lew will be sending out an email regarding availability and transportation. Players are reminded to check their emails and respond.
Reminder for the Jr boys basketball team that we have a practice today after school at 2:15.