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Daily Announcements

Monday, March 18, 2024

by Unknown | Mar 18, 2024

Day of Significance:

Clean Monday(Nyepi)-Nyepi is a Balinese “Day of Silence” that is commemorated every Isakawarsa according to the Balinese calendar. It is a Hindu celebration mainly celebrated in Bali, Indonesia. Nyepi, a public holiday in Indonesia, is a day of silence, fasting and meditation for the Balinese. (Hinduism)

During much of the months of March and into April, many members of the Muslim community will be participating in fasting for Ramadan. If you are fasting and prefer to be in a space where there will be no eating, please join us in room 310 during the lunch break all during Ramadan. This will be a food free space open to anyone. 


Looking for a summer job? The City of Welland is hiring. Come to the front office or student services to pick up a brochure or visit their website, welland.ca to apply.

Q and A is meeting this week on Tuesday at lunch in room 303. This club is a safe space for members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and allies. New members are always welcome. 


Attention Singers! Crossley Vocals will be rehearsing after school today at 2:15 in the music room.


Track and Field is starting this week. We will be introducing pole vault after school on Wednesday. Come give it a try. You could be like that student who tries it once and makes it to OFSAA and not even realize you have a talent.

Make sure to sign up in the gym foyer. There are a lot of other events to try. Practices are beginning full time next Monday.

Attention to all boys soccer players. There will be a tryout for both Junior and Senior boys teams tomorrow immediately after school on the field. Please see Mr. Edwards, Mr. Shannon or Mr. Lafferty if you cannot attend.

Weather permitting, outdoor try-outs and practices starting today after school are Lacrosse, Girls Soccer and Baseball.  See your coaches for more information.

Badminton try-outs will be this week on Monday, Tuesday and Friday this week.  There will also be extra practices available for all interested on Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7:00 till 7:50 am.  See Mr. Blanchard if you have any questions.

THIS IS A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT SO PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!  Prior to the break, Crossley was represented at Wrestling OFSAA by 3 very accomplished wrestlers.  Once again this year, they succeeded very well and all 3 finished on the OFSAA podium and brought back a few medals.  Congratulations to our student who fought through the largest draw to a 5th place finish, another student who came 1 point from bringing home gold and finished 3rd (her second OFSAA medal) in her last high school wrestling match.  And finally our student in the last match of the tournament proudly came home with a silver medal winning the last match of his illustrious high school wrestling career (3 OFSAA medals).  In case you are confused on how he won silver in his last match, wrestlers must compete for silver and bronze if they didn’t combat their opponent prior in the competition.  Congratulations once again to our entire wrestling team on another very successful season!