Students interested in a career in the construction trades and who are entering grade 12 next year, might want to consider applying for the 4 period Home build coop. Deadline to apply is this Friday - no exceptions. Look to the grade 11 D2L class for more information. If interested, email Ms Cripps ASAP.
Attention to all grade 10 students who will be heading into grade 11 for next year. The conflict list has been posted in the D2L grade 10 class. If your name is on the conflict list, this means that you did not get all of the course requests that you had made. Timetable conflicts are resolved on a first come first served basis as per the Guidance appointment Google form. Only students with conflicts are being seen right now. Any further course changes will NOT be taking place until the end of summer.
The prom committee is hosting a Sub day fundraiser on Monday June 10th where you can get a sub for $5 (assorted, ham or veggie). Pop will also be available.
Reminder to all track and field athletes that competed at Zone there is a full team picture on Tuesday at lunch in the gym. June 11th. Make sure to get your Athletic Banquet ticket as well.