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Daily Announcements

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

by Unknown | Feb 25, 2025


Ayyam-I-Ha Feb 25-28-A period of celebration devoted to charity, gift-giving and festivities prior to the annual period of fasting. (Bahá’i)


Do you wish you could send your friend a caring message to show how much you appreciate them, well now you can. This Wednesday during lunch come join us in the main foyer to create Kindness cards for your beloved friends. And get this, they will receive a sweet treat alongside the card as well!

Today is “mismatched day!”. Could period 1 teachers please refer to the email sent this morning as you count and record the number of students by grade who are wearing anything mismatched. A reminder that tomorrow is “Anything Pink” day and Thursday you earn points by dressing in your grade colours - grade 9’s are in red, grade 10’s in yellow, grade 11’s in green and grade 12’s in blue.  

Hey Cyclones! Make sure to sign up for the Pass First Ball Hockey Tournament! Sign-up sheets are available at the gym foyer. The tournament will start on Friday and will continue on until next Wednesday. Games are during lunch. See you at the gym!


What do you get when you cross a calculator with a friend? “Someone you can count on!”    Grade 9, 10 and 11 Math contest writers tomorrow is the big day! Please go to Mr. Bhan’s room 314 at the start of P2 to write your contest. Bring a pencil and calculator.

Robotics/Model Builders Club - Due to the staff meeting, Robotics/Model Builders Club will have to be cancelled for today. We will meet next week.

The first meeting of the Muslim Student Association will occur this Thursday at lunch in room 309. Come to the meeting to find out about our upcoming event.


Attention all jazz band members! We will be rehearsing after school tomorrow at 2:15 in the music room. 


The Crossley Rowing team will be participating in the Ontario Indoor Rowing Championships this Saturday at Ridley College. With over 73 athletes racing at this event, it promises to be a busy blue and gold day. All Crossley rowers are reminded of the importance of meeting team standards needed to wear the blue and gold at this event. The good news is that the workout areas are open daily to help you achieve these standards. Please have a plan in place to help you get there. Novices are asked to be sure to get to regular practices and extra practices if needed so we can help you get ready for your race. See you at practice ready to rock n’ ROW. Go blue and gold!

The Badminton Team sign-ups are posted on the Gym Foyer doors.  Sign-up as a team or an individual (we will find you a partner if requested).  We will be starting practices this, and next week, before try-outs after the March Break.  The first practice opportunity is Badminton Club with Mr. Edwards, Wednesday at 6pm, followed by a grade 9 practice, Friday after school in Gym C.  Please review the gym schedule for all other practices next week.  See Mr. Blanchard if you have any questions.

CONGRATULATIONS to the Junior Girl’s volleyball team for winning the Zone Final over A.N. Myer last night! The game was a tough battle and our Crossley girls showed great mental strength and team support to come away with the win. We look forward to playing at home on Thursday when we host SOSSA! Please congratulate the members of the junior girl’s volleyball team today!