Ash Wednesday (First Day of Lent)-Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent on the Christian calendar. Its name is derived from the symbolic use of ashes to signify penitence. It takes place immediately after the excesses of the two days of Carnival that take place in Northern Europe and parts of Latin America and the Caribbean. (Christianity)
Hey everybody! Meatball subs in the caf for $5. Come and get em!
The Lunchtime Literacy program begins today at lunch in Room 302. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Kuczera. Bring your lunch and be on time!
Hey Cyclones! Looking for something to do at lunch? Head to the school gym to watch an intense ball hockey game! It is the finals of the hockey tournament! The game is students vs teachers! Please come support!
Crossley for Christ will be meeting this Thursday at lunch! Join us in room 215 for a short devotional and a great time to socialize and get to know more people. Bring your lunch and a friend. Everyone’s welcome!
The Oddity Film Society will be watching something after school today, maybe a coming of age story like Suarine or Jojo Rabbit or Lady Bird. Grab some corn and enjoy a flick. Or maybe Costa will get his way with The Florida Project.
Attention Jazz band members! Jazz band has been cancelled for today. Pls read the post in Classroom. See you after March Break!
Coffeehouse! If you are interested in performing at this year’s Coffee House, please sign up by this Friday. To sign up, use the QR code found on either the school website or the posters around the school OR sign up on the Google Form that has been emailed to you today. If you are having issues signing up, please see Mrs. Stickney today! All performances are to be unplugged and school appropriate!
Jr. Boys Basketball photo shoot will be at the beginning of period 3 today in Rm 109.
Interested in joining one of Crossley’s largest teams? Sign up for track and field by scanning the QR code on the gym doors or the office window. Practices start after March Break. If you have any questions please speak to Mr. Lew or Mr. Huxley.
Crossley Rowers are reminded of the DSBN mandatory swim test tonight at the Kiwanis Pool in St. Catharines at 6.30pm. Please review the instructions on the back of the permission form and be sure to hand in the permission form into the rowing box in Room 206 today. You must wear leggings, a long sleeve top and socks for the swim test. The lighter the better. You will not be able to go on the water until you pass the swim test so please be in attendance. Rowers are expected to attend practice today and the rest of the week as we prepare for spring rowing. If you missed last night’s spring rowing info meeting or have any questions, please see Mr. Ruscitti today.
Yesterday the Varsity Boy’s took on St. Jean de Brebeuf in their semi-final game. The Boys came out flying scoring 5 goals in the first period. Quick shots, smooth passing, and strong defensive plays allowed the team to take home the victory 11-4. The team plays in the Finals the week after March Break.